Model Case

Selecting Chemical products OEM contractors in Japan

OEM, ODM can be a solution for chemical manufacturers facing problems such as lack of production facilities and manpower, or lack of know-how in a certain field. In such cases, Japanese companies with stable technological capabilities and the recent depreciation of the yen offer significant cost advantages, making Japanese companies a strong choice as the contractors.

The selection of an OEM/ODM contractor is very important because it affects the quality of the company’s products, however, many of our customers have told us that they do not know where to start when selecting an outsourcing partner in the Japanese market, where experience is scarce, and that they need support.

This article provides an example of how we approach such requests, i.e., how we help our overseas customers find the best OEM/ODM contractors in Japan.

If you are considering OEM/ODM outsourcing to a Japanese chemical company, please contact us. Our chemical industry experts will be happy to assist you with your project in Japan.

Case: Selecting a chemical product OEM contractor in Japan

  • A chemical manufacturer was considering manufacturing a new product, but decided to go with an OEM because they lacked the manufacturing facilities and experience in this area.
  • Unable to find an optimal contractor in their own country, they decided to look for an OEM contractor in Japan, where the technology is stable and the recent depreciation of the yen offers significant cost advantages.
  • However, it was difficult for them to select an OEM contractor in the Japanese market, where they had little experience, by themselves in terms of language and communication. Thus they decided to appoint us to support their OEM project in the Japanese market.

Process of selecting an OEM contractor in Japan

#1 Hearing from our client

First, we carefully confirmed the client’s requirements, such as the products, capability, cost, quality, amount, delivery date, etc.

In this case, the delivery date was particularly important, so we listed candidate companies based on that in the next step.

#2 Listing of candidate companies based on our database

We selected several companies that met the client’s requirements by utilizing our extensive proprietary database of information and expertise gained through actual business transactions.

#3 Deciding which companies to proceed to business meetings & negotiations

From the list that we proposed, our client and we held business meetings with the companies that our client considered to be the most suitable and conducted specific discussions with them.

We handled the correspondence leading up to the business meetings.

Prior to the business meetings, confidentiality agreements were signed to protect information related to both the client and the candidate company business.

#4 Contract & proceed to the project

An OEM contract was signed by our client & the OEM contractor company, then proceeded to the project.

While it is possible for us to provide support from signing the contract to delivery, in this case our client and the OEM contractor communicated directly after signing the contract.


  • Due to the recent depreciation of the yen, there are significant cost advantages for chemical manufacturers to enter into OEM/ODM contracts with Japanese companies, but it is often time-consuming and difficult in terms of communication to properly select OEM contractors in the Japanese market.
  • In this case, we carefully read the client’s needs, selected the most appropriate Japanese company from our extensive proprietary database, and were able to match them.
  • Based on our extensive business experience in the chemical industry, we have built trust and networks with many Japanese companies, and can propose the most suitable OEM/ODM partners to our clients overseas. We also provide full support for the troublesome communication leading up to the conclusion of the contract.

If you are considering OEM/ODM outsourcing to Japanese companies, please feel free to contact us. Below is an example of chemical reactions and materials we support.

Chemical reaction

  • Esterification
  • Chlorination
  • Ozonolysis
  • Cycloaddition Reaction
  • Reductive Amination
  • Grignard Reaction
  • Redox Reaction
  • Hydrogenation
  • Substitution Reaction
  • Dehydration Condensation
  • Decarboxylation
  • Rearrangement Reactions
  • Halogenation
  • Addition Reactions
  • Coupling Reactions
  • Friedel-Crafts Reaction
  • Anionic Polymerization
  • Cationic Polymerization
  • Polymerization Reactions
  • Condensation Polymerization
  • Addition Polymerization
  • Resin Polymerization
  • Dispersion
  • Pulverization
  • Purification
  • Distillation


  • SUS (Stainless Steel)
  • GL (Glass Lined)
  • Glass
  • Teflon