Offline Marketing

B2B Inside Sales Outsourcing Service – Lead Nurturing in the Japanese Market

As globalisation continues to progress, overseas B2B companies are also actively expanding into the Japanese market, and we are seeing more and more overseas companies exhibiting at Japanese trade shows. However, even though they have acquired leads at trade shows, many companies are still struggling with how to proceed with inside sales due to a lack of know-how in B2B sales in the Japanese market and language barriers. In some cases, leads may be neglected due to a lack of resources. For companies like this, our inside sales service is very beneficial. This article shows how we can support overseas B2B companies to conduct effective inside sales in Japan.

B2B Inside Sales in the Japanese Market

We offer a combination of sales agency services to suit our clients’ needs. In particular, many of our clients have concerns about inside sales (sales activities for acquired leads) and we often have the opportunity to provide support in this area. Even if you get a lead, it’s no good if you can’t take the right action. If you don’t follow up at the optimal time and with the optimal method according to the lead’s priority, you’ll miss opportunities. Also, sales activities by phone or email in the Japanese language are very difficult tasks for overseas companies. If you have a lead in the Japanese market but are unable to convert it into actual business meetings or contracts, we recommend that you seek professional inside sales support. Below we will introduce our inside sales service specializing in the Japanese B2B market.

Target Region

We have a wealth of experience in Asia, North America and the EU, but we also accept requests from other regions. Please feel free to contact us.

Target Industry

We are a marketing company specializing in B2B business. We accept requests from B2B companies in all industries.

Specific Support Content

  • Research and analysis of the client’s situation
  • Sharing of approach data by industry and company size
  • Prioritisation of leads
  • Implementation of approaches according to lead prioritisation
  • Creation of operation manuals
  • Creation of talk scripts

Service Flow

#01 Listening and Market Research

We will listen to your current concerns and identify the causes of your inside sales problems. At the same time, we will carry out market research and analyze your company’s situation.

#02 Strategy Design and Target List Creation

We will formulate a strategy based on the results of the interview and market research. We will put together a concrete plan that includes the targets you should aim for, their priorities, and the approach you should take.

#03 Creating the Operational Format

We will decide on details such as the creation of interview scripts, the prioritization of leads, and information gathering items.

#04 Launching the Approach

We will implement the approach based on the agreed strategy and operational format. Once the approach has been launched, we will communicate closely with your company and share the situation.

#05 Analysis, Reporting and Improvement

We will hold regular activity debriefs and provide reports. We will review target lists and scripts based on the analysis of the activity results and continuously implement the PDCA cycle. We will receive feedback from your company on field sales results and analyze cases that have led to effective business negotiations and orders.

Our Strengths

We have supported many overseas B2B companies, and the following four points are the most common reasons why they choose us:

  • Specialized in B2B marketing, sales
  • Extensive experience in dealing with overseas companies
  • Knowledge of a wide range of industries
  • Staff fluent in both Japanese and English

The presence of a reliable local partner is a major factor in determining the success or failure of a company’s overseas expansion. We can support your company in inside sales based on our high level of expertise in B2B marketing, communication skills, and extensive business experience.

If you’re thinking of expanding into the Japanese market but don’t know where to start, do not hesitate to contact us. We propose the best solution for your goal.